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Hello! My name is Jean Thompson and I want to share a personal testimony of the fabulous experience I live 3 times a week at INVERSIONS POLE FITNESS, LLC located in Mt Pleasant. Some major disturbing and life changing events have taken place recently, and it has been the influence of INVERSIONS POLE FITNESS that has transformed me so that I feel physically and emotionally strong to overcome powerful turbulence in my life. I realize we all have challenges in life - life is a challenge in itself - but when I took on the personal challenge of INVERSIONS POLE FITNESS, LLC, I felt an amazing sense of accomplishment that made handling life challenges seem not so overwhelming. I have found inner strength I never knew I had, courage and confidence within myself like nothing else. I was an '80's young adult doing step box exercise, aerobics, treadmills and stair masters, but with any combination of Inversions unique polga, pole dance, chair dance and strengthening exercise, there is no comparison to the monotonous, hour-long gym routine that never gave me the results I hoped for.

INVERSIONS POLE FITNESS gives me body-toning results quickly and with the additional support and encouragement of the ladies at Inversions, it's made me realize how capable I am! The music, the atmosphere, and the beauty of INVERSIONS POLE FITNESS studio creates a unique and individual experience. The students are of all shape, size, ethnicity, and age, but every instructor takes a personal interest in you. We support each other and congratulate one another's progression as amazing, sexual, beautiful women. I want to share my personal story of how INVERSIONS POLE FITNESS, LLC has had a huge influence on my self-esteem – therefore, my life, which reflects in my relationship with family, friends and coworkers.

Believe you can and your half-way there!

Thank you ~ Lisa, Kayla, Whitney, Danielle and all the beautiful women I dance with at INVERSIONS POLE FITNESS, LLC.

― Jean T.

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